Safe Towing To Avoid Damage To Your Car Or Truck

Posted on: 16 October 2017

When you need to have a car or truck towed, you do not want to have to worry about it being damaged in the process. There are right ways and wrong ways to tow a vehicle that will keep it safe from damage. If you are using a tow service, they have the expertise to do it right but if you are not, you need to make sure you pay attention to the details and don't damage the car because of something that could have been avoided.

Emergency Towing Services

If your care is in need of repair and you can't move it, the easiest solution is to hire a towing service to come out and move the car for you. They have the right trucks and equipment to do the job but the bill is typically not cheap. Be prepared that if you are having the car towed more than a couple miles, the bill may be in the hundreds of dollars but if you have no other option, the cost may be less important than getting the car to the repair center or even just home from wherever it broke down.

Non-Emergency Towing Services

If your car is not broken down but you need to have it towed somewhere, the job can be a bit easier. Rather than a wrecker or tow truck, the tow service might use a trailer to move several cars at once. These towing services are different in that they specialize in transporting cars from one place to another, not moving damaged or broken down cars. These services might be used to have a show car or collector car to an event, move a car across country for a move, or to transport a car to a vacation or winter home so the owner does not have to drive it there. In these situations a town truck is not the best solution, a trailer is.

Renting A Dolly To Do Your Own Towing

Car dollies are affordable and can make it easy to tow your car home but keep in mind that the car will be very hard to load on a dolly if it is not running. Once the car is on the dolly, you will need to follow a few basic rules to make it tow properly. If the car if front wheel drive, leave the transmission in part and the steering locked. If the car is rear-wheel drive, the car needs to be in neutral and the steering locked. If you do not lock the steering, the car and dolly will fight each other when backing and make it impossible to maneuver. If you are towing long distances, a trailer is a better option.
