Winter Is Here: Are You Prepared For Towing Services If You Need Them?
Posted on:
20 November 2019
Winter is the number one season for towing services. Not everyone is as ready for it as they should be. If this is your first true winter in a snowy area, here is how to be adequately prepared for any towing need before you actually need it.
Add a Towing Rider to Your Insurance
In the event that other vehicles on the road slide over ice patches and smack into you, you would have to pay for a tow truck.
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Why Everyone Should Invest In An Emergency Roadside Assistance Membership
Posted on:
23 July 2019
If you do not yet have an emergency roadside assistance membership, you might want to think about getting one. Sure, you might have gone this long without this type of membership, but after reviewing the following benefits, you will be much more likely to want to sign up right away.
You Can Get Towed To The Shop
If your vehicle breaks down, you will need to either tow it home or tow it to the mechanic's shop.
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What to Teach Your Teen Drivers About Handling a Car Breakdown
Posted on:
7 February 2019
When your teens are old enough to drive on their own, you want to make sure they know what to do in an emergency. Malfunctions can happen even in new cars that are serviced regularly, so while your teen may not be able to make repairs on the spot, they should know how to get help. The information you teach them as teens will serve them throughout life and keep them safe if their car ever breaks down on the road.
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Be Prepared For A Single Vehicle Accident Involving You And Your Car
Posted on:
17 November 2018
Being involved in an accident does not always mean that there is another party involved. In fact, many accidents occur solely due to poor visibility, mechanical malfunctions, or inclement weather. You should know what to do if you accidentally go off the road while traversing an exit rampway and wind up face to face with a guardrail.
Prepare For The Worst
Even if you are a safe driver who hasn't encountered any problems thus far, it is important to prepare for the worst.
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